How to record dead hives
  • 04 Mar 2021
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How to record dead hives

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How to record dead hives

When removing dead hives from a site or load

If your standard practice is to remove dead hives from site when they are found.  Follow the following steps;


  1. Add the task ‘Move hives out’ to your job card. In the quality, fill in the number of hives removed.
  2. On the observation page tick yes to the question ‘Any new hives deaths?’, enter the reason number of hives that died for each reason. The total should match the number of hives removed.
  3. Balance you Apiary status report, reducing the number in the hive categories you removed.

Note: The hive strength category ‘Dead’ should only be used for dead hives left on site.

When leaving dead hives on a site/load

If you standard practice is to leave dead hives on site when they are found. As part of your dieseae management pratacies.  Follow the following steps;

  1. On the observation page tick yes to the question ‘Any new hives deaths?’, enter the reason and the number of hives that died for each reason.
  2. Balance you Apiary status report by moving the new dead hives to the hive strength category ‘Dead’. This category should total the number of dead hives currently on site or load.

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