Jobcards and Tasks Overview
  • 19 Jan 2022
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Jobcards and Tasks Overview

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Article summary

Job cards

A Job card is how information is recorded. Using the scheduler you are able to plan out work that needs to be completed using job cards. As default, we have created lots of job cards which you should be able to see in the scheduler tab.

If you are looking to make your own custom job card click HERE

A job card is made up of three parts:

  • Firstly, is the specific tasks that are laid out for the job being completed in the apiary. These change depending on the job card is selected, but the beekeeper can always add additional tasks that they complete even if they aren't already on the job card. (see below for more specific information regarding tasks.)
  • Secondly, is the observations made while on-site, This section asks what you observed while on site. Each option within the observations tab if answered yes will ask for more information as seen in the screenshot below. When you tick yes to having seen floral sources, the card will ask for what plant you saw and what percentage budding was witnessed?
  • The third is the status report. This asks for a confirmation of exactly what is on a site in terms of hives, Nucs, supers, and their health. see screenshot below for more information.


Tasks in MyApiary are essentially the activity that needs to be completed in order to complete the job. Tasks are the things that make two different job cards different. We have a lot of tasks set up and ready for use. Tasks are added to a job card as a checklist and often are a count of what was done on-site. As seen in the screenshot below we have three tasks selected and we are in the process of adding another task to the job card.

If you are looking to create a custom task click HERE