User Permissions
  • 01 Mar 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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User Permissions

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Article summary

By default, there is three different user types. these are as follows:

  • Team
    • This user type is predominantly used by your beekeeping team leader in the field. They will use the tablet app predominantly and have access to what they need to have in order to complete their day to day. Team users have access to access to scheduling, site information, limited reporting, and some other functionality.
  • Apiary Manager
    • The Apiary manager would be someone operating in a leadership position, like for example your head beekeeper. These users have access to everything in the reporting tab, and also have access to everything within the Admin tab excluding the ability to add additional users.
  • Owner
    • The owner-user has access to everything MyApiary has to offer, this includes the ability to manage (add or subtract from) the number of users, their roles/permissions, as well as the ability to change the subscription type (upgrade or downgrade).

 Below are all possible user types and the permissions hierarchy (please contact support if the default roles are not adequate to your needs, some roles listed below need to be enabled by support)


Apiary ManagerApiary Manager

Apiary Manager

Apiary Manager

Apiary Manager

Apiary Manager

Operations ManagerOperations ManagerOperations ManagerOperations ManagerOperations Manager

Master Admin

Master Admin




Subscriber GroupSubscriber Group

Master group admin